miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

Merry Christmas guys !!!

Come Home For Christmas

Unlock the door of your heart -
Enter the gentleness within.
Open the window of your soul -
Breathe in the season of miracles.
No matter how far you've traveled,
It's time to come home now,
Where Christmas abounds in love.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Conclusions Research Project, 5°

Write your conclusion after research the topics on at least three different websites, write Which site was the most usful? Which was the least usful? and why?

martes, 3 de julio de 2012


See you on Twitter too @TeacherEmmanuel

Ice Breaker

INTERVIEW Divide into pairs. Take three minutes to interview each other. Each interviewer has to find the personal details and 3 interesting facts about your partner. Then everyone have to present the 3 facts about their partner to the rest of the group, comment on the blog.