miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

Conclusions Research Project, 5°

Write your conclusion after research the topics on at least three different websites, write Which site was the most usful? Which was the least usful? and why?

13 comentarios:

  1. I chose the topic of the first years of the life of Michael Jackson. In this case, I prefer the corner of the vagus that is more complete than wikipedia because mentioned in detail the early years of the life of Michael, maybe wikipedia is more reliable, but the information is better in the other website.
    Tthese are the websites

    1. But often this website contains viruses, another important point is that the information in Wikipedia has more credibility than other website, is safer and more realistic in this I trust that in the corner of the vagus.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. When searching for information on "habitable planets" in these three different websites.
    1.- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitabilidad_planetaria
    2.- http://www.tendencias21.net/Hay-miles-de-millones-de-planetas-habitables-en-la-Via-Lactea_a10903.html
    3.- http://www.taringa.net/posts/info/2215831/Miles-de-billones-de-planetas-habitables.html
    We can say that the wikipedia page (1) if found good information but a little research or information made known to us about suitable star systems, planetary characteristics, alternative star systems etc.
    On page of trends (2) find more scientific information as well as two different products in the same section we expanded more information and we made it clearer.
    On page taringa (3) also find scientific information but the difference was that in this page find comments that they were subject specialists, short, clear and very successful this was what led us to the conclusion that it was the best page where we find a better topic content, caused us no doubt and it was much more clear and understandable to us.

    Melissa Barrios Machuca
    Michelle Barrios Machuca
    Natalia Gpe. Santiago Gonzalez

  4. I chose the topic of early Michael Jackson, and I began to investigate and taringa.net Wikipedia, I realized that Wikipedia is the product that has complete information, and that my opinion has more credibility, however taringa.net also has more information but this summary, so I think the two Wikipedia is the most complete and secure.

  5. we decided to use the topic is "the most poisonous snake."
    The websites in which we investigated were:
    -worlds top 10
    Page of which we liked the most was "wikipedia", as it presents a more complete and content necessary for our search. while the web site that contained a text according to our search in addition to being wrong was "worlds top 10".

    team members:
    Barrios Hdz. Nadia Gabriela
    Flores Gerardo Claudia M.
    Garcia Hdz. Yadira
    Perez Jeronimo Yazmin A.
    Rodriguez Peña Carlos E.

  6. I decided to find information about the life of Michael Jackson. In the Wikipedia page can be found on the entire life of the singer, his career, his albums, his features, until his death in wikipedia was where I found everything about this artist. Look for more information on other sites but did not find it appropriate.


  7. We seek information about Michael Jackson in different sources of information and these were:
    The source of information that helped us find more information more certain was Esmas.com because the information is very reliable because it comes from original sources that had an interview with Michael Jackson.
    The less I served was wikipedia because they put false information and has ortograficoslo errors which should not see a source of information.
    Team Members:
    Sergio Castillo Castillo
    Samuel Colunga Castillo
    Sergio Miguel Rangel Cross
    Victor Jhonatan Ferral of Kings
    Alan Victor Santiago Ramirez

  8. I searched information about Michael Jackson because he was the best pop dancer and singer.
    the best website for get these information was :
    then ... wikipedia and bibliografias.com
    i don't know who are my team .
    Povolin. 5AVC/C

  9. for I investigate about the most poisonous snakes in the world in two rincon websites such as wikipedia and bum and I must say it really surprises me that in wikipedia not much information regarding the same and they look and there are many things that While explicit left at the corner of vague comparison, both are good, but I think in this case supero rincon bum to wikipedia on the concept of more information and further explanation

  10. We searched in 3 websites the same topic where we could see wich website is the most visited or with more information about the topic.

    We used: wikipedia.org
    "Wikipedia" speaks about the planetary ability and how life exists beyond beyond the earth.
    In "io9" tell us that there is an exoplanet called 'second earth' that currently there are two potentially habitable planets.
    The last website "carnegiescience" talks about the same as above but it introduces a little more on the subject, it has more and better describe foundation, says the factors which upon the habitabilities of a planet, calculations, temperatures etc.

    So, how we can see, the last website is the best, cause it has more and better information than the others two. The worst is the first because it only telling us the planetary habitabilities.


    Team Members:
    Cardenas Torres C. Jaqueline
    Cruz Ramirez Katia G.
    Guzman Cruz Christian F.
    Mata Perez Diana L.
    Medellin Cruz M. Alejandro
